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How To Get Free Plants

Here are a few ways to obtain free plants.


This is a great way to get more plants. Most plants that increase in size by forming new stems and roots, can be divided.

Plants that flower in the summer should be divided in the spring, and those that bloom in the spring, should be divided in late summer or early autumn.

To divide plants, use a garden fork or trowel to loosen the soil as gently as possible . I usually knock off as much soil as I can and then I lightly spray with water, so that I can see what I am doing with the roots.

Some plants I can pull apart, but others I have to use a knife. I also like to keep the roots to about three pieces, as less than this may be too weak to survive.

You should replant the clumps as soon as possible, and don't let the roots dry out . If you are dealing with bulbs, then divide them into as many bulbs as you can, but I don't keep the very small ones.


When you pull the dead heads off your flowers, don't throw them away.

If you have any bare spots in your garden, then throw them onto that, cover with a little soil and you will be delighted to see that bare spot full of flowering plants!


Take cuttings from your favorite annuals in the fall and root them in water or potting soil. Keep them inside in a sunny spot over the winter, and in the spring you should have plants ready for the outdoors.

Rose bushes

If your roses do not have grafted root stock , then you can go wild with taking rose cuttings. To root the cuttings, place each one in a planting pot, I usually use 1 gallon pots, that has been filled with well-draining potting mixture. Keep the cuttings well watered and soon you will have new rose bushes!

Self Seeding Plants

One of the best ways to get free plants, is to buy self -seeding ones. When the mother plant dies at the end of the season, she will have left many of her offspring lying in the dirt. These little ones will stay there until spring and then they will germinate and take their mother's place.

You can also let some of your plants go to seed, just collect the seeds and broadcast them in various spots to increase the number of plants you have.

Try not to let the seeds from these plants get too far down in the soil, as then they may not germinate.

In spring, don't put down any mulch until the seedlings appear. Many seed varieties need bare ground and sunlight to germinate.

Ena Clewes is an author of short stories and is an avid Organic Gardener. Ena has just written a new ebook on Organic Gardening. visit her site for details http://organicgardengardening.com

Source: www.articledashboard.com